

Alumnus looks to diversify craft brewing industry

Over the last several years, craft breweries have been one of the top trending businesses in the food and drink industry. For millennials, they serve as a new location to socialize, but like many industries, there’s a lack of diversity when it comes to the owners of these establishments. David McMullin Jr. ’12 is hoping to change that. The alumnus was recently mentioned in a Forbes article for his business, Mack Brewing Co.
Alumni NewsNews

JCSU mother and daughter share passion for social work and graduation

On Friday, June 5, 2020 Lelia Jackson ‘20 and her daughter Kneadee Lester-Jackson ‘20 both received their diplomas from President Clarence D. Armbrister during Ƶ’s diploma pick-up.
AcademicsNewsStudent News

Former JCSU student-athlete on track to become a doctor

“I couldn't have made a better decision,” said Andrew Alexander ’15 while reflecting on his journey at Ƶ. “I was very happy with the idea of being able to go to college, an HBCU at that, in the city of Charlotte that's close to my family so they can watch me play.”
AthleticsNewsStudent News

Efforts of essential personnel help JCSU during COVID-19 pandemic

As the world continues to deal with the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, essential personnel are hard at work. At Ƶ, faculty and a majority of staff are working remotely, but a number of essential workers remain on campus during this unprecedented time. Members of Institutional Advancement, the Health Center, Post Office, Facilities, Residence Life, Campus Police, Housekeeping and the Business Office are among the essential employees on campus during this pandemic.
Faculty and StaffNews

City Councilman, alumnus honors sister five years after Emanuel Nine shooting

Five years after the massacre at Emanuel AME Church, in Charleston, South Carolina, Ƶ alumnus and Charlotte City Council member Malcolm Graham ‘85 is honoring all of the victims, especially his sister, Cynthia Graham Hurd.
Alumni NewsNews

Alumna remembers mother five years after Emanuel Nine shooting

Gracyn Doctor ‘16 was enjoying the summer before beginning her senior year at JCSU when bullets from the white supremacist’s gun changed her life forever. Doctor’s mother, Rev. DePayne Middleton-Doctor, was one of the nine parishioners killed in the massacre at Emanuel AME Church.
Alumni NewsNewsStudent News

Alumnus, city councilman appointed chair of COVID-19 task force

Many Ƶ alumni are working to make a difference during the COVID-19 pandemic, including Charlotte City councilman Malcolm Graham ’85, who serves District 2. Graham is the chair of Charlotte’s COVID-19 Housing Task Force, which provides relief for rent and mortgages, in addition to assisting the city’s homeless population.
Alumni NewsNews

Director of Library Services launches digital story time during pandemic

COVID-19 has created challenges for the students and faculty of Ƶ, as well as staff members like Monika Rhue, director of Library services at James B. Duke Library. When the University moved classes online in March, Rhue and her team quickly took action to ensure students had the necessary tools to work remotely.
Faculty and StaffNews

Longtime JCSU professor shares first experience teaching online

The COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges for higher education, especially for faculty members and students, who have been forced to teach and learn online.
AcademicsFaculty and StaffStudent News

Dr. Vijaya L. Gompa Appointed as Dean of the College of STEM

Ƶ announces the appointment of Dr. Vijaya L. Gompa as dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. She currently serves as professor of Mathematics and she served as head of the Department of Mathematical, Computing and Information Sciences at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Ala. Gompa was selected after an extensive national search and will begin her tenure at JCSU on June 1, 2020.
AcademicsFaculty and StaffStudent News